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Англо-русский машиностроительный словарь - soil


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  1) почва; 2) грунт ...
Англо-русский авиационный словарь
  I noun почва, земля; ones native soil - родина II v. пачкать(ся), грязнить(ся); fig. запятнать; to soil ones hands with smth. - марать руки чем-л. Syn: besmirch, dirty, smudge, sully Ant: bleach, clean, purify III v. давать скоту зеленый корм ...
Англо-русский словарь
  1. почва, грунт poor soil —- бедная (неплодородная) почва rich soil —- плодородная (богатая, тучная) почва unbroken (virgin) soil —- новь, целина alkali soils —- солончаки permanently frozen soil —- вечная мерзлота playground soil —- спорт. грунт поля (игровой площадки) 2. замля, страна on foreign soil —- на чужой земле (стороне) on one's native soil —- у себя на родине, на родной земле a child (a son) of the soil —- уроженец данной страны (местности); крестьянин, земледелец; дитя природы 3. грязь, пятно 4. экскременты, нечистоты; отбросы 5. навоз; компост 6. охот. болото или ручей, где прячется загнанное животное 7. пачкать, грязнить, марать; покрывать пятнами to soil one's clothes —- запачкать одежду splashes of paint soiled the wall —- краска забрызгала стену I would not soil my hands with it! —- образ. не стоит руки марать! 8. пачкаться, грязниться, мараться white shirts soil easily —- белые рубашки быстро пачкаются 9. порочить, осквернять, бесчестить to soil one's reputation —- запятнать свою репутацию his actions have soiled the family name —- своими поступками он запятнал честь семьи 10. тускнеть 11. валяться в грязи, плескаться в воде (о животных) 12. охот. спасаться от преследования в болоте или в воде (о животных) 13. с-х. унавоживать, удобрять 14. с-х. давать скоту зеленый корм ...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
  почва, грунт, земля; почвенный слой; почвенный – AC soil – adult soil – aeolian soil – AG soil – alkaline soil – alkali-saline soil – ancient soil – arable soil – bioturbic soil – bottom soil – brown soil – calcareous soil – chernozem soil – chestnut soil – cinnamonic soil – clay soil – cloddy soil – coarse soil – degraded soil – fine soil – gley soil – humus soil – infantile soil – laterite soil – leached soil – lime soil – limestone soil – loam soil – loess soil – marl soil – mature soil – mold soil – native soil – padaung soil – pan soil – podzolic soil – raw soil – red soil – saline soil – sandy soil – sedimentary soil – serpentine soil – shallow soil – soaked soil – sod soil – thin soil – virgin soil – young soil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский биологический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) почва, земля 2) страна - unbroken soil - virgin soil - child of soil - son of soil Syn: ground, earth, land 2. гл. 1) пачкать, марать 2) порочить, обесчестить ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1) вымарать 2) вымарывать 3) гадить 4) грунтовой 5) загрязнять 6) пескальный 7) пескальный грунт 8) почва 9) почвенный evaporation soil tank — почвенный испаритель peat soil block — торфоперегнойный кубик richness of soil — жирность почвы soil compaction by rolling — уплотнение грунтов катками soil penetration index — показатель твердости почвы to chalk the soil — известковать почву - anchor soil - clay soil - fertilize soil - fill-up soil - leach soil - sandy soil ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  почва, грунт грунтовое основание; грунт основания сточная жидкость; бытовые сточные воды, фекальные стоки soil bonded by ice active soil alluvial soil basement soil black cotton soil catena soil coarse-grained soil cohesionless soil cohesive soil collapsible soil colluvial soil compressible soil extremely high liquid limit soil fat soil filled soil fine-grained soil floury soil fluvial soils foundation soil frictional soil granular soil gravity transported soil hard soil hard frozen soil heaving soil high ice soil high liquid limit soil highly organic soil high plasticity soil ice soil intermediate liquid limit soil lean soil light soil lime soil low ice soil low liquid limit soil low plasticity soil manmade soil mantle soil medium-particled soil noncohesive soil nonfrictional soil nonfrost-susceptible soil organic soil paddy-field soil pedological soil perpetually frozen soil plastic frozen soil reinforced soil remolded soil residual soil saturated soil stiff soil stratified soil subgrade soil tabel soil top soil undisturbed soil uniformly graded soil unstable soil very soft soil ...
Англо-русский строительный словарь
  1) почва, почвогрунт 2) грунт; строительный грунт - aqueous soil - arid soil - binder soil - borrow soil - bottom soil - clay soil - cohesionless soil - cohesive soil - compacted soil - fine-grained soil - firm soil - foundation soil - granular soil - loose soil - overconsolidated soil - packed soil - permafrost soil - permeable soil - plumber's soil - running soil - saturated soil - water-bearing soil - well-graded soil ...
Большой Англо-русский Русско-английский политехнический словарь
   I. verb  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French ~ler, suiller, from Old French ~ wallow of a wild boar, abyss, from Latin solium chair, bathtub; akin to Latin sedere to sit — more at sit  Date: 13th century  transitive verb  1. to stain or defile morally ; corrupt, pollute  2. to make unclean especially superficially ; dirty  3. to blacken or taint (as a person's reputation) by word or deed revelations that ~ed his name  intransitive verb to become ~ed or dirty  II. noun  Date: 1501  1.  a. ~age, stain protect a dress from ~  b. moral defilement ; corruption  2. something that spoils or pollutes: as  a. refuse  b. sewage  c. dung, excrement  III. noun  Etymology: Middle English, from Anglo-French, ~, piece of land, from Vulgar Latin *solium, alteration of Latin solea sole, sandal, foundation timber — more at sole  Date: 14th century  1. firm land ; earth  2.  a. the upper layer of earth that may be dug or plowed and in which plants grow  b. the superficial unconsolidated and usually weathered part of the mantle of a planet and especially of the earth  3. country, land our native ~  4. the agricultural life or calling  5. a medium in which something takes hold and develops  IV. transitive verb  Etymology: origin unknown  Date: 1605 to feed (livestock) in the barn or an enclosure with fresh grass or green food; also to purge (livestock) by feeding on green food ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  (soils, soiling, soiled) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. Soil is the substance on the surface of the earth in which plants grow. We have the most fertile soil in Europe. ...regions with sandy soils. N-MASS 2. You can use soil in expressions like British soil to refer to a country’s territory. The issue of foreign troops on Turkish soil is a sensitive one. = territory N-UNCOUNT: with supp 3. If you soil something, you make it dirty. (FORMAL) Young people don’t want to do things that soil their hands... He raised his eyes slightly as though her words might somehow soil him. = dirty VERB: V n, V n • soiled ...a soiled white apron. = dirty ADJ ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
  ~1 n 1 the top layer of the earth in which plants grow  (an area of rich soil | The bush grows well in a sandy soil.)  (- see land1) 2 the soil literary farming as a job or way of life  (They make their living from the soil.) 3 on British soil/French soil etc formal in Britain, in France etc  (The crime was committed on American soil.) 4 sb's native soil literary your own country  (- see also night soil) ~2 v 1 formal to make something dirty, especially with waste from your body 2 not soil your hands to not do something because you consider it too dirty, unpleasant, or dishonest  (I wouldn't soil my hands with such a devious scheme.) - soiled adj  (soiled diapers) ...
Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English


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